-This piece was interesting in that it shifted my focus to body and movement in a new and different way. To not just do the poses but to visualize and draw the shapes and lines of each pose as well. And because I gave myself the no eraser rule, there was a gentle practice of kindness to self, all marks welcome even if they were wrong or not accurate, a mindful practice to acknowledge them and let them be. This idea came after my sessions with Dr. Griffith but because my yoga practice was constant throughout my journey I included it first.
To start off my NIHC smoking-cessation experience I booked my first appointment with our lovely receptionist, Amanda. When I arrived through the front door of the clinic I was greeted with a big friendly smile, welcomed in and offered a spot on a comfy couch in Dr. Griffith's office. Over the next 10 or 15 minutes Dr. Griffith listened to me talk/sob about my decision to quit smoking, then she explained to me the process of her smoking cessation support. Spanning 3 sessions, my treatment would including acupuncture, cupping and gold-plated magnets all done to (re)connect mind and body, revitalize circulation and target my willpower - who couldn't use that when you're trying to quit smoking, right!?!
As you might have noticed - I enjoy lettering and doodling (inspired by local artists such as Dyan Meyers and Marianne Weston) as a way to write notes and honour my dyslexic mind. The following pages from my journal highlighted my three sessions with Dr. Griffith (please note Dr. Griffith's work is client-centered so your treatment might look a little different). Again, I flipped through these pages numerous times - pleasant reminders of what I am doing and why - a little extra love and compassion in moments when I really needed it.
Cupping: targeted parasympathetic nervous system; pressure and movement to encourage flow in movement (followed by a very nice tiger-balm-like salve).
Gold-plated Magnets: targeted the Shenmen or Spirit Gate (willpower), also targeted kidneys, liver, lungs, and a calming pressure point.
One interesting observation... for the first drawing I wanted to draw an ear to document the pressure points where the magnets were placed in my ear. I have a big Anatomy Coloring Book (designed after the Western medical model), this I had hoped to reference how to draw an ear. Unfortunately, on the appropriate page there was only a vague, quarter-view of the external ear - the main focus was more on the middle and inner ear. The inclusion of the inner ear in my drawing ended up being purely a personal symbol or cue, it was not an element of Dr. Griffith's session. For me it was important to include because of its connection to that session's theme, Willpower. Another example of the whimsical flexibility art making can afford. Just in case you're wondering, I ended up touching my own ear to draw it out on the page (it might not be totally accurate but I'm okay with that). These initial sessions with Dr. Griffith definitely felt more focused on the external (i.e. the largest organ, your skin) to initiate and influence internal change.
The next NIHC clinician I visited was:
Dr. Richard Lutz, Chiropractic Doctor - for a 3D Orthotic Foot Scan - artwork and visuals will be posted in the next entry. Dr. Richard Lutz applies traditional chiropractic methods throughout his 45 year career to restore proper nerve function with spinal adjustments. Many postgraduate studies over the years have led to a unique and detailed system of consultation, examination and treatment to restore nerve and spinal health. |
Many of his patients arrive as a result of some physical trauma such a fall, bad lift, or accident.
During consultation you may find that other health issues exist, which is often assumed to not be related to chiropractic. These often can be positively influenced by restoring good nerve flow at the spinal level.
Treatment protocols are supported by evaluating your response to food, drink and the environment. Consideration to diet as it relates to ones genetics as determined by blood type, allergy and ergonomics are considered.
He works extensively with Foot Levelers Inc. (www.footlevelers.com) who perfected the unique three arch support soft orthotics to help spinal, knee, and foot problems. He prides himself in providing non invasive and pain free chiropractic care using, massagers, spinal distraction treatment tables and pain-free spinal adjustments to restore good nerve health. He has enjoyed the co-operative approach now available in the clinic, where a number of health professionals work together to help our patients.
Conclude with an introduction of Dr. Lutz's custom orthotics. He encourages you to call him to help you decide if chiropractic treatment is a choice on your road to better health.
Phone: 250-798-2447
Email: [email protected]